Children always enjoy playing games. Here's a batch of Valentine party game ideas that would be the exquisite complement to a Valentine party, classroom party, or a family get together. The majority of these games can be tailored to all age ranges of kids using a limited bit of creativity.

Valentine Bingo
Make your own heart-shaped Bingo cards with a limited variation. Write over the top of each card "Valentine". Then create the grid of boxes underneath. Fill in each of the boxes with a Valentine seal or clip art of Cupid, pink, red and white hearts, single red rose, vase of flowers, box of candy, piece of chocolate, bottle of perfume, etc. Whatever Valentine-related will do. Then take duplicates of these items and affix them to personel index cards. Place the cards into a Valentine printed bag. These cards will be used for calling out to the guests the items to be covered with a Red Hot or Conversation Heart marker.

Count The Kisses If You Can
Fill a sizeable glass holder with Hershey's chocolate kisses. Have the kids write their name on a piece of heart-shaped paper, along with their guess as to how many Kisses are in the container. The youngster who guesses the actual number, or comes the closest, shall be the winner and receive a prize. The Kisses in the holder shall then be divided among all the children. Variation: The winner takes all - the entire jar of candy goes home with one child.
Here's a few more Valentine party game ideas to think incorporating into your next Valentine event.
Heart Hunt
Cut out 100+ red, white and pink building paper hearts. Add more if you have a large group. Hide the hearts before the party starts. Have the kids try to find as many hearts as possible. Whoever gathers the most, wins a prize. Variation: Divide the kids into teams and after all the kids have found as many hearts as they can, have each team couple all the hearts collected by each child for a grand total. Whichever team has the most estimate of hearts collected, shall receive their treats first.
Valentine Cupcake Walk
Tape or lay pieces of paper onto the floor that each have a estimate written on them. create or use a Valentine printed bag to hold index cards that each have one of these same numbers written upon them. Whenever the music begins, the kids should start to walk around the party area while stepping on each of the numbers as they go along. When the music stops playing, the kids must step upon the estimate that is nearest to them. Then a estimate shall be pulled out from the bag and whoever is standing on that estimate shall agree a cupcake and then that child shall be out of the game. That estimate will be eliminated from the floor, as well as the bag. The game continues until every child has received a cupcake.
Pin The Heart On Cupid
Hang a large photograph of Cupid on the wall. Give each child a red or pink heart with a piece of double-stick tape on the back and his or her name on the front. Blindfold a child, spin him or her around, and then let that child attempt to put the heart where it belongs. Supply a prize to the winner, which will be the child who gets the closest to Cupid's heart.
Musical Chairs Valentine Style
Cut out large heart-shaped pieces of red and pink felt and place the hearts on the ground. Have the kids walk around them while the music plays. When the music stops, each child must try to stand on one of the hearts. Whoever fails to find a heart to stand upon is out of the game. Each round, remove a heart until only one child remains, who shall then be declared the winner.
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