In an earlier article, I wrote about some of our real-life experiences trying to start up an online business. We have sold ebooks, homeschool curriculum, and even home-study courses with online company how to lessons. And we have learned a lot about what works and what does not work.

The first ebook we ever sold, my wife wrote. It is called Raising Leaders, Not Followers. Basically it was an ebook designed specifically for home schoolers and to teach them how to raise their kids into leadership positions. My wife approached me with the idea, and I said, "Honey, it is not precisely a barn-burning topic. I just do not know that you are going to make any money with it." Well, she proved me wrong. She sold ,197 the first 19 days. How is that for internet marketing 101?
So not bad for a our first ebook product. So then she came right behind it with a book for Christmas. And she says, "Honey, I am mental about doing an ebook on preparation your heart for Christmas because everyone runs up on the day and they are just demoralized. Christmas comes and goes and habitancy are not precisely prepared. After you tear open the gifts, habitancy are like, what do we do next?"

I said, "That is a spectacular, idea, but with all the free stuff on Christmas, I do not see how you are going to sell anything. You got lucky with the first one. That was a fluke. But this one, you would be lucky to sell 5 copies." I was a very supportive husband, right? Well, she proved me wrong again. She sold over ,207.67 the first month with that Christmas book. Imagine getting a 00 Christmas bonus every year. That is what we do. My created it 3 or 4 years ago. We roll it out every Christmas, and every Christmas, we get a 00 to 00 bonus.
You see the principle there? Well, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, I will be the first to admit. But when I saw my wife do these two things, I thought, I can do it myself. And I got my opening pretty quickly.
I had a red pickup truck. It was a Ford F150. My daughter had taken it to high school. She was playing softball with the high school. And all of a sudden, her teammates were screaming, "Gentry, your truck is on fire!" She looks up. There were flames going 20 feet high out from under the hood.
As it happens, there was a faulty cruise control switch that was a recall item from Ford. So after we got the fire put out, the truck was a total loss. The guy told me,"There is a recall observation on this." I called Ford, and they were like, "We sent the recall observation to Texas." I said, "Thank you, but I am in Idaho in seminary." But they refused responsibility. I was so upset.
I decided to start an online business, so I put up a little website that said, "My truck caught on fire." I had pictures of the truck, and I opened up the hood and showed how all the engine compartment was burned up and all the wires were burned up. I said, "How about if you help me while I help you? I am going to give you all this free internet marketing stuff. Graphics package. Some software. Ebooks. Marketing tips." All this stuff I had compiled and got free off the internet. I compiled it into a stock and sold it for like . And I made ,470.57 in the first 9 days.
I am serious. If I can follow on the internet, you can, too. You do not need a degree in business. All it takes is a little online company how to, and you will see your company skyrocket.
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